This traditional Russian dessert is similar to a no-bake cheesecake. Dried-pineapple cutouts embellish this cake, but Martha sometimes uses jelly beans...
Made with dark chocolate and almond flour, this special occasion-worthy cake is surprisingly light and airy thanks to the addition of egg whites and just...
This heavenly angel food cake is studded with mini chocolate chips and perfumed with fragrant espresso powder. The dessert feels indulgent, but fear not-this...
Growing up in Nutley, New Jersey, Martha used to help her neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Maus, who owned a bakery, make these delicious, buttery cakes filled with...
Cocoa powder and melted chocolate give this classic Chocolate Sheet Cake with Vanilla Buttercream deep, well-rounded flavor. Inspired by devil's food cake,...
Here's the test kitchen's favorite recipe for a classic pound cake. If you prefer your pound cake with a slightly less dense texture, follow our instructions...
Sweet, edible ribbons wrap this cream-cheese frosted two-tiered carrot cake. They're made from thinly sliced carrot strips, cooked in sugar and water until...
This torte is both dairy- and gluten-free. Toasted pecans lend a nutty flavor. Serve this simple dessert with lemon curd and berries for a sweet finish...
Freshly brewed coffee gives this dessert a subtle mocha flavor, but water can be substituted. The cake will crack slightly, but not break, as you roll...
A truly memorable way to feed a crowd, this dessert alternates between moist coconut cake and rich coconut-lemon curd on the inside and is covered with...
Light and airy cake is layered with rich chocolate filling and drizzled with glossy chocolate glaze for a dessert that will satisfy and delight no matter...
Buttermilk helps make this cake tender and moist while rum gives it a lighthearted tropical kick. If you'd rather let the whole family enjoy this dessert,...
Specks of fragrant cinnamon and cardamom enliven this snacking cake, which is meant to be eaten any time of day. This recipe comes from Martha Stewart's...
German chocolate cake is defined by its iconic coconut-pecan frosting; for this recipe, we've bucked tradition and tucked it inside of this Bundt cake...
The cake is tender and moist, and it's not too sweet to help balance out with the frosting. The frosting is delightful, it has that caramel flavor from...
This simple cake is terrific on its own, but feel free to up the ante with lightly sweetened whipped cream or vanilla-bean ice cream. Try other frozen...
This old-fashioned dessert from master baker Rose Levy Beranbaum's cookbook, "Rose's Heavenly Cakes," contains no butter or oil; instead, whipped cream...
Just the thing for that bumper crop of zucchini! It keeps this party-ready sheet cake super moist, while two types of chocolate -- semisweet chunks and...
Our retooled pound cake recipe adjusts the traditional ingredient ratios (a pound of each ingredient), and adds baking powder and sour cream for a dense...
This deep, rich confection topped with fudgy frosting is ideal for special occasions or simply for chocolate lovers. Martha's uses Valrhona cocoa powder;...
Frozen cherries become juicy and intense when baked into this tender cake. Your freezer aisle is the best place to savor summer fruit any time of year....
Flavored with instant espresso powder, this lively frosting goes especially well with chocolate desserts, whether it's a simple batch of cupcakes or Martha's...
You'll want firm but ripe apples that are sweet, such as Empire or Gala. With the cinnamon in this homey cake, they'll hit the spot. Take a few minutes...